Saturday, December 1, 2007


What is Osteoporosis ?

'Osteo' means bone. Osteoporosis literally means 'Porous bones'. Osteoporosis is thinning of the bones that occur with age. Bones become weak and fragile, until even a slight impact may cause them to break.

What happens to bones during Osteoporosis ?

By about 20, the average woman has acquired 98% of her skeletal mass. This Process of bone acquisition slows down as you get older. Between ages 35 -40, you begin to lose bone mass, remains reasonably stable until age 50 and then declines progressively.This loss, if severe, can lead to Osteoporosis.
How does a person know that he/she has Osteoporosis ?

Osteoporosis is difficult to detect at an early stage. Most people don't realise that they have it. The disease slowly and silently steals bone, often giving no pain or sign, until the first fracture. Therefore, the disease is also reffered to as "silent thief". Fractures of the spine, wrist or hip in old age could be due to Osteoporosis.
What are the signs and symptoms of Osteoporosis ?
a) Bone pain in the hip, arm or wrist
b) Low back pain
c) Loss of height and a stooped posture
d) Fractures of the hip, spine, back or wrist, sometimes without falling How widespread is Osteoporosis ?
Osteoporosis is quite common. While it is estimated that 25 - 30% of all women are prone to fracture because of osteoporosis, it is believed that 50% of women over 75 have Osteoporosis.

Who are more affected by Osteoporosis - men or women ?

Both men and women are prone to Osteoporosis. after the age of 65 - 70 years, men begin to lose bone rapidly. Women begin to lose bone once they reach menopause, between 40 -45 years, when harmone (ostrogen) levels fall. Women are nearly four times likely than men to suffer an Osteoporosis - related fracture.
What are the risk factors ?
The following risk factors may trigger Osteoporosis :
a) Family history b) Low calcium diet c) Lack of physical exercise d) Being underweight e)Alcohol consumption f) smoking g) Medicines such as corticosteroids,diuretics, medications for blood pressure,etc. h) Early menopause i) Women whose ovaries are surgically removed.
Is there a cure for Osteoporosis ?

First of all, prevention is best.Osteoporosis has no cure, but some mass can be maintained and even increased to some extent. It depends on the amount of bone mass you have already lost, but your doctor can discuss treatment options that can actually increase bone mass and decrease your chances of fractures.
How to prevent Osteoporosis ?
1) Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake are necessary to develop and preserve healthy bones throughout your life.
2) Good sources of calcium - dairy products such as milk,cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, nuts especially almonds, and seafood like fish.
3) Vitamin D may be obtained from eggs, liver, or by spending 15 minutes in the sun 2-3 times a week.
4) 15-20 minutes walking daily helps stop further weakening of bones.
5) Weight- bearing exercises such as low -impact aerobics,stair climbing, running and swimming helps keep your bones strong.
6) Muscle - building exercises are not recommmended for people with Osteoporosis.
7) avoid smoking.
8) Cut excessive alcohol intake.
9) Daily practise compulsorily Yoga,pranayama(breathing exercises) and meditation

T-Score upto - 1 - Normal
T-Score between - 1.1 & - 2.5 - Osteopenia
T-Score below - -2.6 - Osteoporosis
Writer...... The Himalaya Drug company
Makali, Bangalore 562 123, India Tel:080- 23714444 Fax: 080 - 23714474
E-mail: Website :

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