Monday, November 3, 2008



When a housewife finds that opening a jar or a doorknob is
difficult, a number- crunching banker finds his fingers stiff
at the cash and a teacher finds writing an arduous task, very
likely it is rheumatoid arthritis.
A fine layer of synovium, rich in white blood cells,lines our
joints. sometimes our body identifies it as an invading pathogen
causing an inflammation to destroy the lining. This leads to
swelling of the joint and pain. since the inflammation could get
chronic or prolonged, it tends to spread along the soft tissues
and there is loss of cartilage, erosion and destruction of muscles
and bones.
The gradual degeneration leads to stiffness of the joint as flexing
the affected ones is an excruciating job and any movement causes
a crackling of the joints. Pain and stiffness are experienced worse
on beginning to move after a while of inactivity though rest is no
solace, as the pain continues though at a lower threshold.
Another characteristic is the shifting pain as a patient finds a
new joint affected the next morning even as old one goes silent for
a while. Homoeopathic treatment is pursued to relieve pain, maxmise
joint function and prevent destruction and deformity.

Arnica,Bryonia, Magphos, and Formica are a few remedies to relieve
acute inflammation of the joints while Ruta,Guiacum, and Stellaria
help in alleviating the stiffness as deep acting remedies like
Pulsatilla, Lycopodium, Lachesis, Calcarea flour, and Calcarea phos
help in slowing down the process of degeneration.All the above help
in pushing the disease into remission.

Writer................DR. VENUGOPAL GOURI
Tel: 9246372625

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