Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Junk sleep is what many youngsters are experiencing today.

In other words they dont sleep long or deep enough to give
their brain the required amount of rest.
This has been attributed to the many distractions in the form
of electronic gadgets like laptops, mobile phones,videogames,
etc that keep them awake most of the night.
A recent survey by the sleep council in Britain found that
30 percent of children between the ages 12 to 16 are sleeping
just for four to seven hours a day.
According to Dr. S.Vijay Mohan, Senior Consultant Physician
warns against the consequences of inadequate sleep amongst
teenagers as trend is catching in India as well "Mental
Simulation by these gadgets is okay within limits but it will
lead to depression later on.
Lack of sleep or poor sleep habits affect up eating properly".
Sleep deprivation has ill effects on the central nervous system
including the brain.
Performance level will come down because the concentration
level goes down. This makes the person feel leathargic.
Glare reflected from the screen will affect vision.
The doctor says that a minimum of eight hours sleep is required
to function well.
Lack of suffient sleep results in Heart diseases, BP and
It is an alarming situation because youngsters hardly take notice
of the junk sleep that they experience.
Yougsters mostly use to sleep at 1-00 AM or at 2-00AM and have
to wake up at 6-30AM to rush to Schools/ Colleges.
Most of the times youngsters reach Schools/Colleges late and
feel sleepy during the first two periods at Schools/colleges.
Mostly youngsters says, " I Chat online, listen to music,Playing
Videogames or I am busy talking over the Phone".
More ever mostly youngsters wont take intime food at home
and eats lot of fast foods which contains very high percetage of
salts,spices,Fats and Oils, which causes indigestion or acidity
or hyperacidity in the stomach which inturn also disturbs the sleep.
Youngsters don't realise the importance of a good night's sleep
and think that it's cool to stay awake.

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