Tuesday, November 4, 2008


HOMEO CURE FOR BRONC HITIS Well the season of colds and coughs. cough, nasal catarrh and throat pain are the worst. Our respiratory system after the larynex forms into bronchus and reaches out into the tissues of the lungs through bronchioles where exchange of oxygen into the body takes place. Sometimes in persons allergic to cold,dust,smoke or any of the various allergens the cilia which the line the inner lining of the bronchii and are capable of blocking the entry of dust or any infective particles become lax and are unable to do the duty. It is under these circumstances there is accumulation of mucus which is also produced more and develops into a typical sensation in the person compelling him to cough. The presence of mucus and low immunity also are a fertile ground for the bacteria to multiply and cause the condition of Bronchitis. TYPES OF BRONCHITIS: Acute Bronchitis: It generally starts as a flu and cold and spreads to the lungs and in a few can virulently spread to lung tissue causing Broncho - pneumonia if proper care is not entailed. It is usually caused by viral infection and when the mucus is collected forms the ground for secondary infection and Bronchitis. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS: The excessive secretion and accumulation of mucus could continue for almost three months or occur every year in any particular season is termed chronic. It can gradually weaken the lung tissue and lead to even lead to heart disease if not controlled properly. It is usually caused in smokers ( active and passive), air pollution, dust, people living in industrial areas,allergies etc. SYMPTOMS: Cough that produces mucus (sputum), may be blood streaked, Worse at night and disturbing sleep. Breathlessness on slightest exertion or activity. frequent respiratory infections (such as colds). Wheezing sound during sleep fatigue headaches associated with fever. INVESTIGATIONS: Pulmonary function test reveals the lung capacity is reduced. WHAT CAN HOMOEOPATHY DO? Homoeopathy has good remedies to relieve cold, the distressing cough with difficulty in breathing and control the infection, reduce the fever due to the same in quick time. It can also prevent the recurrent attacks of Bronchitis due to causes like allergy by improving the pulmonary function capacity wherever it is reversible. It can also prevent complications of Bronchitis. COMMON REMEDIES FOR BRONCHITIS: ANTIM TART ---& gt; if there is accumulation of mucus in the lungs and the patient is unable to expectorate. ARSENIC IOD -----> will cure the chronic bronchitis which remains after Tuberculosis or Broncho - pnuemonia. DROSERA -----> cures the distressing cough when the infection spreads larynx downwards into the lungs. HEPAR SULPH ------> when the cough occurs on slightest exposure to cold. RUMEX ----> cures the cough with tickling sensation in the throat. JUSTICIA -----> in the mother tincture form cures the acute catarrhal condition of the respiratory tract relieving the cough. Authors contact Address Dr. VENUGOPAL GOURI BHMS CONSULTANT HOMOEOPATH Email: drvenugopal@hotmail.com Helpline: 56 27 26 25 (mobile)

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